Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It Begins ...

So Melinda asked how I am feeling about all of this. I didn't know how to respond to that. How do you describe in a word how you feel when something like this comes along?

Pride .... but humility
courage ... but fear (not that any of these are mutually exclusive)
elation ... but anxiety
clarity ... but chaos

So how do you describe in a word how you feel when something (someone) like this comes along? As much of a paradox as the above emotions might seem, what was the one word I came up to describe it? There weren't any adjectives, just a noun ..... Dad.

It's 9 am and we're 3 centimeters dialated.

1 comment:

Joel said...

Aww...that post was so beautiful it almost brought a tear to my eye...almost.

But then I remembered the time you jumpped over the glass barrier at the zoo and swam around the aquarium in your tighty-whities. Man, those were good times...creepy times...but good times.

I couldn't imagine a better father for any child. All my love guys!