Noah Thomas Flick was born on 10/10/2007 at 8:42pm (central). He has a lot of dark black hair and he is BIG - measuring out at 20 and 1/2 inches, weighing 9 lbs. 5 oz.!!!!!!!!!! Check out these pics. He's the most amazing little man. We love him.
It's official--you guys make good looking babies! As if there were ever any doubt!! I am so happy for you guys!! Noah is perfect!! Your family is beautiful!! Praying for you! Congrats!!! P.S-Mel I am SO proud of you!! Not just for giving birth, but for you
We have two wonderful little boys. Noah was born on 10-10-07 and Micah was born 11-13-08. Recently we found out that Micah has a mass in his left lung and the dr's are pointing at cancer. Over the next few weeks/months we will be going through many test and ask for constant prayers!
You three are amazing! Noah looks beautiful, and the Brandt's can't wait to say hello!!!
All our love and Blessings!
Joel and Mandy
Noah is so adorable and you three look like a perfect little family. We love you all! Congratulations and Happy Birthday to your little man.
By the way, with Noah measuring at 20 and 1/2 inches, it won't be long before he's taller than you Seth! lol - Just kidding...
We're just psyched that he's healthy and happy!
Out of the ark and onto dry land!
When and where is Noah's rebirthday going to be?
Much love.
(Sleep when you can!)
Hey Daddy - Congrats to you and Melinda. "This is the day the Lord hath made." Rejoice and be glad in it.
May the Lord of our salvation bless you, Melinda and Noah all the days of your lives.
Peace, Jim Riley
Congrats to the Flicks! I'm praying for the health of your brand new baby son! Hope all is well....
It's official--you guys make good looking babies! As if there were ever any doubt!!
I am so happy for you guys!! Noah is perfect!! Your family is beautiful!!
Praying for you!
P.S-Mel I am SO proud of you!! Not just for giving birth, but for you
Congratulations Seth and Melinda on your beautiful baby boy. Enjoy every moment with him as life is too precious and uncertain.
Take care,
Hugs from the Schuette/Flick's
Pete, Jill, Jake, John and Joey
Hey Seth and Melinda,
Congrats on your Strapping baby boy! Im so pleased and excited for you guys. I love his name too :-)
Uncle Chad
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