It's late, its Saturday night, all of the ladies are asleep - you know what that means? It's time for "Man Movies." Last Saturday night when Melinda fell asleep we watched Braveheart; this week Grandpa Keith, Dad, and Noah are watching Gladiator! OK, it's rated R and he can't watch these kinds of movies ... yet, but I have a whole stash of these movies that we can watch when he gets older. I think next week - The Great Escape or Indiana Jones or King Arthur- we'll see which one!
For now, I'll just leave you all with a nice picture of Baby Noah throwing up gang signs in his camouflage blanket (ok, maybe its a peace sign - who knows).
Seth Flick
Seth and Melinda,
Aren't children amazing. I look at Ian and look at the pictures of Noah and thank God for blessing us with these wonderful little gifts. I can't imagine life without Ian. Thank you for your friendship and sharing your little blessing with us. Oh yeah, we still need to meet him in person! I pray that you both will get some sleep and enjoy every moment with Noah. I look forward to the day when Noah and Ian will meet. +In His Grip+
Melinda and family,
Noah is so handsome. I finally got the news that he was born...I've been at St. Mary's the past 6 weeks instead of SLUH, so I haven't been by Crave for a few weeks. Erica gave me your blog info though, so now I'll be keeping up-to-date even when I'm at other hospitals. It looks like everything is going great, I'm so excited for all of you. Congratulations!
Kara Mayes (your favorite customer)
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