Well our baby turned one last month. (10-10 to be exact). And he is growing and changing every single day! Today he learned how to open his bedroom door and then push it so it swings open. Not so much of a good thing as he's not walking yet and hasn't quite figured out the whole balance thing 100%. He's working on it and doing great! I don't blame him for not wanting to walk as he can get anywhere within a matter of seconds crawling. :) He's amazing!!
He had his 1 year doctor appoitment on the 13th of October and it was horrible for me (mom) and I don't think he enjoyed it much either. Noah got 4 shots and had to get blood work done to check lead levels since we live in an old house, it was so sad and I felt so horrible allowing someone to hurt my baby, but I am glad we did it as I would rather have him be in pain for a couple of minutes than for a long time due to me not getting him the things he needs to protect him! At this appointment they of course weighed him and all...he came in at a great big 34lbs 9oz and 33 inches long. He is off the charts still, i'm not sure he will ever slow down in the growing department but that's okay I love my big baby!!!!!
Noah is enjoying playing with his trucks (like always) and loves to dance whenever he hears music! It's so cute. I'll have to try to get it taped so everyone can see!
I only have 16 days left until I am due with baby # 2 or better known as Micah. We are anxiously awaiting his arrival and praying (at least I am) that he deciedes to show up sooner than later as I am honestly very tired of being pregnant and all the aches and pains that come with it. I am also very sad to have to give up on some of the one on one time that Noah and I get once Micah arrives. I'm not so sure how Noah's going to do going from being an "Only" to Big Brother. Hopefully he'll adjust fairly quickly and enjoy his baby brother!!!! He just doens't quite understand the whole concept of shairing yet! Haha!
Seth is still working full time at the Seminary and going to school part time. He (we) will be going on vicarage next summer/fall and we cannot wait!!! It's about time right?!?! Ha. He is such an amazing dad and husband. Noah gets the biggest smiles on his face and laughs as soon as he sees "daddy". It's awesome to know that they have such a bond! I look forward to seeing how the relationship continues to grow as Noah gets older and as we add another one to the mix! :o)
Alright well that is all for now. I've got to get back to bed. It's 3am and I'm up only because my lower back hurts so I thought i'd try to do something productive!
God's Blessings!!
The Flick Clan
(Seth, Melinda, Noah, baby Micah (making his arrival soon we hope) and Addie)
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