Monday, December 31, 2007

Chirstmas 2007

I have a few minutes to write while Noah rest peacefully in his swing (which by the way he has almost grown out of!).
We had a very busy Christmas. We first went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Morton in Iowa. We spent the Wednesday before Christmas up until Christmas Eve at their house. It was a lot of fun. We got to see Uncle Jeff and Aunt Ida and their two girls Maddie and Grace, they all loved meeting their new cousin. Eventually the whole family showed up and we were able to spend December 23rd all together just opening presents and spending time with each other. It was a lot of fun. Noah got some really cool gifts that make lots of noise! Unfortunately though he slept through all the excitement. (maybe this was a good thing!) Seth and I also got really awesome gifts, some nice clothes and Seth got a flash light that he can wear on his head...he is really excited about this and made us go out and buy batteries for it yesterday!

On Christmas Eve we drove to Wisconsin to be with Grandma and Grandpa Flick and family. We made it there in just enough time to see Noah's cousin Lexi play Mary in the Christmas program at church. We then went to great grandma and grandpa Flicks and spent time being passed around (Noah) from one person to the next! He wasn't so sure he liked this and eventually mommy took him back and he fell right to sleep in her arms! I think it was all a little bit overwhelming for a little guy!

We opened presents at grandma and grandpa Flicks house that night also...and again Noah slept through it all. :o) But yet again he got some really cool presents as did mom and dad! :o)

We had a lot of fun spending time with family but are happy to finally be home. We just returned home of Friday (December 28Th). It was a nice trip but a little long. Noah is just now getting back on schedule.

Unfortunately along with Christmas we received some bad news yesterday. Seth's cousin Jake passed away on Saturday afternoon. He was in a coma, he's been in the hospital for sometime and it was expected but nobody knew when it was going to happen. Everyone is grateful for the 21 years they got to spend with Jake (he had a congenital disorder), and we all are comforted knowing that Jake knows Jesus and was baptized and is in a much better place now! We are trying to figure out if we will be able to return to Wisconsin for the funeral. We are just waiting on work to when it will be.

My mom also has been going through some rough times physically. Currently my mom and dad are in Minnesota at the Mayo Clinic attempting to get results of test that were run last week. Please keep them in your prayers. We pray that the Dr's have some answers for her soon so that she can work out a plan of action. :o)
God's Blessings
PS. Noah is now 2 months 3 weeks and 5 days old. Wow!!!!!!! He's growing so fast! Seth measured him the other day and he was 26 in long and we are assuming he is now well over 15lbs!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Noah sitting!!

Okay so please ignore my voice on the video, but look at how big Noah is getting. I was just wanting to see if he would do okay in the walker and well he did great!!!! It made him a little bit tired but over all it was a good experience I think.
Seth, Noah, Addie (our dog) and I are going to Iowa today to help my mom get ready for Christmas and then we will be spending Christmas in Wisconsin with Seth's family. It's going to be a long trip but hopefully fun. Noah will get to meet some more of his aunts and uncles and cousins. :o)
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Much love
ps...can you believe that Noah is 10 weeks old today!!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

A video

We just wanted to share how gosh darn cute Noah is and his big smiles and noises...

God's Blessings

Seth, Melinda, and Noah

Friday, December 7, 2007

8 weeks old

Noah turned 8 weeks old on Wednesday and I can't believe how big he has gotten. :o) He had his 2 month appoitment today and here's his prepared...he's one BIG baby!!!

Weight : 14lbs 15 oz. = 95 %

Height: 24 1/2 inches = 95 %

Head: 90 %

Noah also had his shots today, and he did great! He only cried for a few seconds and then was fine. He's a little bit sleepy now but all in all it wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined it would be. Seth and I are both amazed at how wonderful of a baby Noah is. He's so content and happy the majority of the time. We are both really enjoying parenthood!! :o)

Noah has started smiling ALOT more and it's so gosh darn cute. He is also making lots of noises. Seth said he feels as though Noah changes every day, I would have to agree. :o)

Noah is growing out of alot of his clothes. He is wearing mostly 3-6months with a few 6 month outfits. It's crazy that our 2 month old looks more like 3 or 4 months old.

God has truly blessed us with a wonderful child and we thank God everyday for Noah!!!


Melinda :o)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Our first cold

Well it's been a while since I last posted anything, i feel as though time just keeps speeding up. I can't believe Noah is already 5 weeks old. Seth and I are constantly amazed at how big he his getting. He changes more and more everyday. It's exciting but also kinda sad. Sad because I want to keep him little, but exciting because I love seeing him grow and change and hope to see more and more of his personality daily.
We have truly been blessed with a wonderful child. Noah is so relaxed and laid back. He is beginning to smile real smiles, not just "I've got gas" smiles. And the other day I thought he was about to start fussing but he was actually just finding his voice a little!!!
This past weekend we had Noah baptised and we had ALOT of family in town for it. It was awesome to see everyone but now it seems that Noah has come down with his first cold. It's so sad to listen to him breath, his nose is all congested and all he wants to do right now is sleep. So needless to say mommy hasn't gotten much sleep lately. But I am lucky to be married to a wonderful husband who came home early from work today to watch Noah so I could get some much needed "good" sleep! What would I do without him?
Noah had his one month Dr. appointment on Friday and he is now weighing in at 11lbs 9oz and 22 1/4 inches long. Yes one big boy!!!! He is in the 95% for weight, 90% for head, and 70% for height, so we grow them "ABOVE" average!!!! HA HA

Saturday, October 27, 2007


It's late, its Saturday night, all of the ladies are asleep - you know what that means? It's time for "Man Movies." Last Saturday night when Melinda fell asleep we watched Braveheart; this week Grandpa Keith, Dad, and Noah are watching Gladiator! OK, it's rated R and he can't watch these kinds of movies ... yet, but I have a whole stash of these movies that we can watch when he gets older. I think next week - The Great Escape or Indiana Jones or King Arthur- we'll see which one!
For now, I'll just leave you all with a nice picture of Baby Noah throwing up gang signs in his camouflage blanket (ok, maybe its a peace sign - who knows).
Seth Flick


The house is so quiet right now, except for a few baby noises as Noah sleeps. Seth and his parents are snoozing away while I sit here just watching our wonderful baby boy rest. Have I said that he's amazing??? He's is awesome!!!!! God has truly blessed us!!! Sleep has been somewhat odd lately, the only time I sleep well is when Seth is awake with Noah and I know he's being taken care of and watched over. I know that God is constantly watching Noah, but I also feel as though God has placed us in Noah's life to watch and keep safe. So, I am sleep deprived ofcourse, but what new mom and dad isn't. I wouldn't change it for anything! Well I think little man is going to wake up to eat in a minute. Here's a picture of him from the other day, he's such a little man!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Life in the Flick Household

Life sure has changed since Noah arrived 2 weeks ago. Seth and I are blessed with a wonderful baby boy who likes to pee on us everytime we change his diaper. I don't think we have ever had to do so much laundry and so many dishes (bottles) in our life. But it is all worth it. Noah is growing and growing, he has almost outgrown all of his newborn clothes and is already filling in his three month outfits. When we left the hospital two weeks ago he was weighing 8lbs 14 oz but last Wednesday at his first dr. appoitment he was back up to 9lbs 1 oz and had grown 1/2 inch to 21 inches now. :o) It's crazy how in love we are with our little guy!!!! As soon as I figure out how to post pictures I will!!!!
God's Blessing

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

He's Here!!!!

Noah Thomas Flick was born on 10/10/2007 at 8:42pm (central). He has a lot of dark black hair and he is BIG - measuring out at 20 and 1/2 inches, weighing 9 lbs. 5 oz.!!!!!!!!!! Check out these pics. He's the most amazing little man. We love him.

Pictures - This is not so Easy!

This is Melinda - singing a totally different tune than earlier. "This is not so easy!"


Wow - Melinda just went through some pretty tough contractions for about 45 minutes - the epidural totally wore off.

Now she is at 9cm, 90% effaced, and Noah is at Station +1 only one more to go; Melinda is resting now, but we will see. This is all going by so quickly - I don't know how much more I'll be able to post before the birth comes along, so ... I hope to report next that Noah has made his way into this world!

Thanks everybody for all of your prayers and comments. Please, leave encouragement comments for Melinda if you get the chance - she'll hear them.


4pm and and we're 5cm dialated; he's stationed at 0. Slowly but surely. We're getting there.

Patience is a Virtue

We are at the -1 station. The stations measure the baby's trip down the birth canal; they are: -2, then -1, 0, 1, and 2 - I think 2 means the baby is crowning. So he has started his descent, but it might be a while. Melinda says she's feeling fine.

It's 2:30pm and 4cm.

Donna - I am so sorry, I had to break down and drink the coffee here. Mayan Mochas are fantastic.

Not Quite Post-Partum

No baby yet, but things calmed down a little after the epidural; so I thought I would update. Melinda got the epidural, contractions still progressing, but Melinda is now painless.

Broken Waters

The bag of waters is now broken ...

insert cliche Noahic reference here.

3cm's still, but I think The Great Escape may be working - things are progressing. Next post - post partum.

God's peace to you today.

Unusual Birth Methods

Well, he's still not out - so we are trying alternative methods - I am going to put the DVD The Great Escape to try and coax him out.

Contractions are getting closer and stronger.

Contractions Starting

Melinda says, "This is easy."

The contractions begin - Melinda says they are definitely getting closer together and they feel "weird."

It's 11am and we're getting closer. We finally get to meet our son!

It Begins ...

So Melinda asked how I am feeling about all of this. I didn't know how to respond to that. How do you describe in a word how you feel when something like this comes along?

Pride .... but humility
courage ... but fear (not that any of these are mutually exclusive)
elation ... but anxiety
clarity ... but chaos

So how do you describe in a word how you feel when something (someone) like this comes along? As much of a paradox as the above emotions might seem, what was the one word I came up to describe it? There weren't any adjectives, just a noun ..... Dad.

It's 9 am and we're 3 centimeters dialated.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Blowing Up a Church

Words and phrases are funny. So in my last post I said that God is really "blowing up our church in a good way,"This could mean a couple of things:

1) We are full of hot air. This is just simply not true.

2) God is destroying our church - but then I think I would have used the word "Smiteth" or

3) Our church is growing very quickly.

OK - so this is the definition I was working. Maybe I should have chosen a better term such as "burgeoning." Interesting word - to grow or develop quickly; flourish: The town burgeoned into a city. He burgeoned into a fine actor ( I burgeon? In any event, our family is burgeoning. Our church is burgeoning. It's good to burgeon.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

First post -

We have other interesting things going on in our life, but for now we're just waiting for the baby. We kind of created this blog so we can show baby pics off to as many people as possible.

I bet we are going to be one of those couples who takes a lot of pictures of their baby and then people who don't have babies probably will be bored wilst they peak around for other cool stuff.

Random question of the blog: Anyone want to start a beard of the month club?

In any event, we'll post other interesting things before and after the big day. Especially, church stuff - man, God is really blowing things up there in a good way. Melinda and I love it there. Check it out at

Like 1993 once said, "Peace out."